Friday 19 December 2008

Performance - Monkey Journey to the West

Title: Monkey Journey to the West
Rating (out of 100): 100
Mood: happy
Timeout / Culture Critic: /

I saw this show during the summer in London’s Royal Opera House as part of the special performances related to the Beijing Olympics. I was blown away. It is one of these shows that is difficult to classify as it includes various acrobatics, martial arts, rope dancing as well as incorporating a wide range of music – from Chinese opera to modern house / funk and visuals (animation, video projection). The show is quite a spectacular example of the old cliché of East meeting West and it is funny and interesting and engaging. It is based on one of the old Chinese tails about the Monkey King and his journeys as well as the characters that he meets along the way. Completely sung in Chinese (Mandarin), there are surtitles in English that help the English speakers in the audience follow the story. The show combines the efforts of some heavy hitters in their own fields and geographies and it shows – it is a great collaboration of talent. Overall a very entertaining and incredibly unique show that is a must see. Having been popularly received, it is now enjoying an extended run in the O2.

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