Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Film / Movie - Il y a longtemps que je t'aime (I’ve Loved you So Long)

Title: Il ya long temps que je t’aime (I’ve Loved You So Long)
Rating (out of 100): 90
Mood: strangely cathartic, tragically sad & emotional but uplifted, ready to take on big challenges
Website: http://www.sonyclassics.com/ivelovedyousolong/ Timeout / Culture Critic: http://www.timeout.com/film/reviews/85818/ive-loved-you-so-long.html / http://www.culturecritic.co.uk/cinema/ive-loved-you-so-long/

(French, with subtitles). Fantastic movie. One of those movies that is very difficult to watch, sometimes confusing, sometimes very emotional (bring tissues) but overall uplifting. Without giving too much away, it’s a moving drama about one woman’s journey of dealing with a painful past and overcoming memories in order to move on with her life. Oddly enough, despite the profound sadness that this movie shows and the really awkward positions and desperate loneliness that its main character goes through, there is hope at the end of the movie, and that’s what makes it ultimately uplifting. It’s about redefining yourself and finding a new life and letting people close to you. Overall, a great movie. Not to mention Kristin Scott Thomas’ fantastic performance in French.

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