Wednesday, 10 December 2008

Film / Movie - What Just Happened

Title: What Just Happened
Rating (out of 100): 55
Mood: neutral, annoyed
Timeout / Culture Critic: /

For a movie packing such star power, What Just Happened is a bit of a disappointment. It’s one of these movies where it seems that everybody gets lost in how many great and accomplished actors it includes and somehow, everybody seems to forget about the movie itself. The movie itself is about the ridiculousness of Hollywood as told through the eyes of a producer. That includes professional difficulties as well as personal, and how the line between the two is often very blurry. All in all, I’m not sure how I’m supposed to react to this movie. Am I really supposed to feel sorry for the main character (the producer) because his life is so hard? Or maybe the director because he struggles to express his artistic vision? Or maybe the ex-wive(s) of the producer, who are now living luxurious lives with their children. Or maybe, I’m supposed to feel bad for all the people who are the “little people of Hollywood”. The ones who work on the actual movies day in and day out, who have to deal with all these personalities and attitudes. Overall, a somewhat entertaining movie, but nothing too serious or too insightful.

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